Skip to main content no longer working

The service we use for aarch64 builds is no longer accepting our API requests for triggering builds. We have been in contact with them, but have been unable to resolve the issue. Going forward, we will still be adding feedstocks to but we have moved all aarch64 builds to emulated builds on Azure. Cross-compilers are available as well for resource-intensive builds. Please rerender your feedstock as needed to get the updated configuration.

GCC 10 and clang 12 as default compilers for Linux and macOS

These compilers will become the default for building packages in conda-forge. One notable change in gcc 10 is that the -fopenmp`` flag in FFLAGSis dropped. In clang 12,-std=c++14explicit flag has been dropped fromCXXFLAGS, as it is the default compilation mode for clang 12. In gcc 11, the default is -std=gnu++17`. In clang>=12 and gcc>=11, we will not provide an explicit C++ standard, and will defer to the compiler default.

conda-forge is now citable!

You can now cite conda-forge using our Zenodo entry! This entry credits the entire conda-forge community for its hard work in building our amazing ecosystem.

Moving to CentOS 7 and CentOS 6 End-of-Life

conda-forge's compiler stack uses repackaged libraries from CentOS 6 to supply certain libraries, notably glibc when building recipes. We currently default to using CentOS 6 with the glibc 2.12 ABI. However, CentOS 6 reached end-of-life in November 2020 and increasingly software packages require at least CentOS 7 with the glibc 2.17 ABI. We also realize that due to recent events, some communities that may have been planning to skip CentOS 7 and move straight to CentOS 8 might be reconsidering those plans. Further, they may not be ready for a full-scale switch to CentOS 7. Thus the conda-forge core team has decided to delay moving to CentOS 7 until sometime early next year, likely the end of January 2021 at the earliest. We are actively looking for feedback from our users on this issue. Please do get in touch if you have comments or concerns!

Artifact Validation

In an effort to better secure conda-forge, we are developing a process to validate artifacts before they are uploaded to This validation will look for various security-related items, such as artifacts that overwrite key pieces of certain packages. While this process is in development, we will not be rejecting uploads. However, we will start scanning our current artifacts and working with the maintainers of those artifacts to mark broken any which we deem a security risk. We will also be running validation on new artifacts being upload and will report any issues back to feedstocks. At a future date, artifacts that do not pass validation will not be uploaded.

Compiler Upgrade to GCC 9.3.0

We will be upgrading all GCC-based compilers to version 9.3.0 on all platforms. This upgrade will not affect C or C++ code, but will require a rebuild of all feedstocks that use FORTRAN due to a change in the SONAME. During this rebuild, we will keep the old compiler versions in production, temporarily doubling the build matrix. Once the migration is deemed complete, these old compiler versions will be removed.

Completed New Staging Process for Uploads

We have now completed rolling out the new staging process for uploads to Direct uploads to the conda-forge channel will no longer work. If you are having trouble with package uploads, please rerender your feedstock with the latest version of conda-smithy. As always, if you need help, bump us on Gitter or GitHub!